Building Physics

Air Flow
BSD is a pioneer in the adoption, promotion and use of building performance simulations to assist in optimizing building designs.
These design tools should be used as early possible during the design planning stages.
Natural ventilation modelling can assist in site massing, building orientation, detailed building design, internal layout and space planning. Its benefits include removal of heat build-up from dense urban area, improving thermal comfort and indoor air quality and reducing the need for mechanical ventilation. BSD has conducted airflow modelling for more than 50 building projects.

BSD specialises in using accredited energy modelling software such as Visual DOE, IES and STAR-CCM+ to model the energy consumption and savings of large office and retail mall developments as well as airports, laboratories and conservation.
Projects seeking BCA Green Mark, Malaysia Green Building Index (GBI) and USBC LEED wards may be required to conduct energy modelling to demonstrate the energy saving achieved with the proposed building design.

Good daylighting harvesting enhances indoor environmental quality and reduces the need for electrical lighting. Conducting daylighting simulations allows us select glass, size façade opening, skylights and plan internal spaces.
Shadow Analysis, Solar Irradiance and Glare Simulations are useful design against solar heat gain, optimize solar photovoltaic (PV) design and prevent discomfort glare in our built environment.